Welcome to the first interview of irgamers.cl!. In this ocassion I had the pleasure to contact FreddeGredde, one of the most viewed musicians on YouTube and the responsible of the most succesfull video games medley at this time on the whole world, drawing attention of prestigious websites, like Kotaku, Capcom Unity and Zelda Universe, among others.
This is the original interview, but you can also see the translated version by clicking here.
Hi Fredde! First of all, I’d like you to tell us in your words who are you and how did you realize music was your thing
Who am I? I’m just a Swedish guy who likes to learn and understand things. It’s not really about music, but about all kinds of artforms, and also math, sports, languages, video games, everything! I like learning :) The reason I’m working more with music than anything else these days, is that I realized that I could make a living on doing something I like. YouTube turned out to be a perfect solution for me, so that’s why I now am a musician.
Most of the people knows you on YouTube for covers like “32 Songs In 8 Minutes” and “The TV Theme Medley”, but you have also made lots of ridiculously popular videos and original music. Where do you find all the inspiration to create such a great content? Are you planning to compose more original songs at the near future?
I guess my inspiration comes from the music I listen to and like. The thing that most of my tracks have in common is variation. I like when lots of things happen in music, with constant transitions and progress. So, I hear two different things that I like, and think that they would be cool together! And then it continues like that. With original music, I just play around on an instrument and come up with stuff I like, and then I connect the ideas, kind of like with my medleys.
I was planning to make a second and better album than my first one, Thirteen Eight, in the beginning of this year. But now, I just feel that it takes too much energy and effort, and I don’t know if it will be worth. I’ll probably make another one in a few years or so. I do make original songs now and then, when people order them though! Like my “Away We Go” song, and the music for the book “Gift”.
You have done incredible covers of video games music, from “Wind Waker Unplugged” to “Video Game Songs With Lyrics”. Do you feel the video games music is usually underrated and taken apart from the rest of the music?
I don’t think that video game music is uderrated, because it’s very popular, among gamers at least! Commercial/mainstream music has vocals though, because it’s singers that affect people the most in general. So it’s understandable that there’s no video game music on the radio or anything! But compared to other instrumental music (especially digital), I think most acknowledge video game tracks as real music.
I know you like to spend time playing video games. What game would you never play?
Never? First person shooters. Or real-time strategy games. They’re just not my genres! I generally don’t like RPG’s either, but there are exceptions.
If you could have any object or ability taken from a video game, which would it be?
I’m a football (soccer) fan, so the first that came to mind was actually to be able to play football as well as you do in video games :D Then I’d probably be a profesional athlete instead of musician.
Vampires, Aliens, Zombies or Plants?
I guess plants, because I like nice things! Haven’t played Plants vs Zombies though!
Which would be the title of the series based on your life?
I’ve actually been thinking about writing a series about me, but it’s just as much about my two brothers! We’re all within 3 years of age, and we all have personalities that would be great for a TV show, haha. One is currently a bartender, one is a nurse, and I’m a musician, and we constantly travel around the world and get into crazy situations. I guess it would just be called “Brothers”, or… I don’t know, haven’t thought of a title.
Hmm… Maybe that sounds lame though, I don’t know!
I previously commented you that IRGamers is very interested on your “The Video Game Rock Medley” and we would like to oficially ask for the possibility to use it on the third season of our podcast. So, do we have your consent?
Sure, you can use it! The more people that hear my music, the better! :)
Tell us about your future plans. What is FreddeGredde working at for this year?
I’m gonna make a Disney Medley next, performed on just guitar and vocals. After that, I honestly don’t know. I might go back to studying.
Thank you for your time and consideration
You’re welcome!
There you go! If you liked what you read and what you watched, visit freddegredde.com and you’ll be able to find all the incredible stuff he does, including his album “Thirteen Eight”.
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